Configure Jenkins

Once remote server is built you will have Jenkins installed on https://YOUR.DOMAIN/jenkins. It’s configured in a way that each anonymous user is an administrator. Protection achieved by setting basic HTTP authentication for the whole domain using Nginx.

Here’s the main view of Jenkins home screen:

Home screen

Each CI server can host as much as needed projects. Every project on Jenkins is presented by two jobs: <PROJECT>_BUILDER and <PROJECT>_PR_BUILDER. Refer to the next code snippet to create new project on existing server:

cikit jenkins-job --project=test2 --limit=HOSTNAME

Some additional jobs are supplied out of the box:

  • SERVER_CLEANER - periodically running job (every 24 hours by default) for removing all builds (files and databases). Also, after every build it triggers to check whether server is needed to be cleaned up.

Configure a bot

Bot will manage pull requests statuses, will react on triggering phrases in comments and publish reports. So we need to set it up!

Configure project jobs

Currently CIKit works with GitHub only. For making project builds you have to host codebase on GitHub and implement several steps to configure the job:

  • Set the web URL of a project. Pull request builder web URL
  • Set the repository URL of a project and configure an access for Jenkins (not needed if project is public). Pull request builder repository URL

Besides, don’t ignore advanced configuration of GitHub Pull Request Builder. Here you able to edit the list of administrators (GitHub accounts), users allowed to control CI process via comments on Github, phrases-triggers etc.

Pull request builder repository URL

Some configurations explanations on the image above:

  • Admin list - GitHub users which can accept/decline other users participation.
  • Trigger phrase - finding this text in a comment to pull request will trigger new build.
  • Skip build phrase - adding this phrase to the pull reguest title or body will not trigger a build.
  • White list - list of GitHub users which are allowed to participate in a project.
  • List of organizations - the same as the white list, but there is less text. Specify GitHub organization and all its members will become participants.



Nginx is a global web server. It serves all connections and proxies requests to Jenkins, Solr and Apache. All requests are secured by basic HTTP authentication that you’ve configured during CI server provisioning.

Technical notes

The cikit-jenkins Ansible role was designed for Jenkins installation.
