CIKit is an acronym for the Continuous Integration Kit and the software, underlying behind the name, empowers you with a subset of various instruments aiming to simplify a day-to-day routine for the teams that are focused to develop, continuously test and deploy the solutions based on an extensive stack of technologies.
Main advantages
- One-time, system-wide installation via Bash script.
- Isolated environments (inside of virtual machines) using VirtualBox on top of Vagrant for local development.
- An instrument to boot and manage the matrix of continuous integration servers (droplets).
- A replication of a local environment to CI server and shipment of its configuration in a YAML format.
These guys put a lot of effort and deserve the gratitude.
Special thanks
- @Diam0n, who is helping to provide environments for testings.
- @lokeoke, who is helping with testing the newest approaches.
- @mitsuroseba, who is sharing his creative ideas.
- @gajdamaka, who is sharing his creative ideas.