Automate running tests in different languages on Travis CI

4 minute read

Automate running tests in different languages on Travis CI

There may be a case when you would want to write tests for a project using different programming languages. For instance, using Bash to functionally test a command line utility, Python - for a unit testing of its separate parts.

The approach being described below helps to automate running tests, distributed over the multiple files. Also, it provides a powerful PoC for making builds with conditions - e.g., skip this bunch of tests, run this, do that…


Let’s consider a base configuration.

sudo: required
dist: trusty

  - sudo ./tests/travis/

That’s all we need to have for our process. Of course, the additional steps like installation routines or enabling the services may be added if a project needs them.

The unified tests runner, written on GNU Bash, is here for you to focus on describing test cases and forget about modifying .travis.yml.

The script uses -v option of awk that is not available in BSD version.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Restrictions:
#   - Will not work with BSD "awk" (i.e. on macOS) due to "awk: invalid -v option".
# Usage:
#   - Run all tests.
#     bash
#   - Run non-bash tests.
#     TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE="[skip bash]" bash
#   - List available tests.
#     bash --list
#   - List non-bash tests.
#     TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE="[skip bash]" bash --list

cd ./tests/travis
declare -A TESTS=()
declare -r OPTION="$1"

# Iterate all over subdirectories.
for INTERPRETER in [a-z]*/; do

  # Assume tests are in a directory that has the ".extension" file.
  if [ -f "$EXTENSION" ]; then
    TESTS["${INTERPRETER%%/}"]="$(head -n1 "$EXTENSION")"

# Parse the commit message that looks like "#120: [skip bash/init][ skip  python] Commit name".
# The resulting string will be: "|skipbash/init|skippython|"
  PARAMS="|$(awk -vRS="]" -vFS="[" '{print $2}' <<< "$TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE" | head -n -1 | tr '\n' '|' | tr -d '[:space:]')"

for INTERPRETER in "${!TESTS[@]}"; do
  if [[ ! "$PARAMS" =~ \|skip$INTERPRETER\| ]]; then
    for TEST in "$INTERPRETER"/[a-z]*."${TESTS[$INTERPRETER]}"; do
      if [[ ! "$PARAMS" =~ \|skip$TEST\| ]]; then
        if [ "--list" == "$OPTION" ]; then
          echo "- $TEST"
          echo "[$(date --iso-8601=seconds)] -- $TEST"
          ${INTERPRETER} "$TEST"

The script assumes you have tests/travis directory and inside of it lives the subdirectories that are named as a program to run their contents by. For instance, python subdirectory with *.py files, bash with *.sh files, ruby with *.rb and so on.

Visualization of the above structure would look the following:

|-- bash/
|   |-- .extension
|   |--
|   |--
|-- pyhon/
|   |-- .extension
|   |--
|   |--
|-- ruby/
|   |-- .extension
|   |-- test1.rb
|   |-- test2.rb
|-- fixtures/
|   |-- fixture-bash.txt
|   |-- fixture-ruby.txt

The runner will iterate all over the subdirectories and collect only those, inside of which the .extension is present. The files inside of subdirectories that match the [a-z]*.EXTENSION pattern (where EXTENSION is a first line from the .extension file, e.g. py) will be treated as tests and executed.

Therefore, even if a subdirectory named fixtures exists but has no .extension inside, the files from it won’t be attempted to run using fixtures FILE command.

Taking back to the directories structure the runner will execute the following commands:

bash bash/
bash bash/
pyhon pyhon/
pyhon pyhon/
ruby ruby/test1.rb
ruby ruby/test2.rb

The fixtures and files from it were skipped due to missing .extension.

Having that unified tests runner you’re no longer need to modify your .travis.yml by adding new lines of tests you’d like to run. Just create a file in an appropriate directory with a correct extension, commit it and push to the repo and all the magic will be done in the background. Also, since the pattern for matching tests in directories is [a-z], it means you can create Filename.txt or and be sure they won’t executed.

Conditional system

Travis CI allows specifying [skip ci] or [ci skip] in a commit message to not even create a build, but what if we would want to have a bit more?

An interesting part of the which I personally like the most is an ability to control what tests to run via commit messages. This achieved by parsing the TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE environment variable that stores a message of a commit and available during the build.

The structure of tagging the actions in a message is preserved and looks the following - [do action][do action2] etc. (text in square brackets).

The runner being posted in this article has the implementation of an ability to skip something but you can extend the logic further. To use skipping functionality, do the following:

  • add [skip DIR] to commit message and tests from ./tests/travis/DIR won’t be executed;
  • use [skip DIR/FILE] to skip a particular test from ./tests/travis/DIR/FILE;
  • specify as much as needed actions per commit message.

When skipping a test the extension of a file MUST NOT be specified. If file is bash/ then you just use [skip bash/init]. For python/ it’ll be [skip python/test] and so on.

Check in action

The .travis.yml of CIKit uses exactly same runner, which is responsible for launching Bash and Python tests.
