February 4, 2018

The ability to choose nginx or apache2 as a web server for a project has been introduced! Refer the documentation to get acquainted with the configuration and technical aspects.

Required manual actions

Right after updating the package via cikit self-update please make sure all the projects you have based on CIKit will receive the following modifications:

CIKit 1.0.2 migration notes

The message will be shown after fetching the updates.

  • Open the /path/to/project/.cikit/vars/ports.yml and replace the following:
    • apache_port_ssl by web_port_ssl
    • apache_port by web_port
  • Remove the /path/to/project/.cikit/vars/apache.yml.
  • Create the /path/to/project/.cikit/vars/web-server.yml (the contents is by the link).
  • Login to every existing VM via vagrant ssh and run sudo ln -fs /usr/local/share/cikit/lib/cikit /usr/bin/cikit or run vagrant provision instead (if you want to).

