
Let’s describe structure and technologies. First of all, we need to get acquainted with two basic terms: host and droplet.

  • host - machine for storing and controlling droplets;
  • droplet - virtual machine (Docker container that behaves as a VM), located on host.

Requirements to host

  • A machine with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64 bit) on board (can be a VM with enabled VT-x).
  • Installed openssh-server and configured for key-based access.
  • A root or no-password sudo user.

Host machine operates by a minimal set of software:

  • Docker
  • Nginx

Each droplet has its own private network, which is forwarded from a host. Nginx is listening for the 80<NN> and 443<NN> ports on a host and forwards connection inside the droplets, to the usual ports (without <NN> suffix). Using the 22<NN> port you can SSH to the droplet.

<NN> is a serial number of the particular droplet which is generated automatically.

That’s all! And it’s cool! Each virtual server may be additionally provisioned by main cikit tool to convert it to CI server.

Before you begin

Remember that host machine must be publicly accessible via internet. Otherwise you will be required to manually configure forwarding to the following ports: 22<NN>, 80<NN> and 443<NN>.

Host server must be provisioned with a superuser which should have no-password access to sudo (e.g. your_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL entry in /etc/sudoers). So, make sure the user is properly configured if you have set a value for the --ssh-user, different from root, when defining a host.

The recommendation is to run the provisioning using root user. But you may choose. Beside of that, please make sure you took care about security!

Recommended (will work as untrusted connection):

Not recommended (general credentials - not good for each virtual machine):

  • Basic HTTP authentication. Not recommended to set it up for the whole server - better to do this for every particular virtual machine.


Define a new host and run the next command:

cikit matrix/provision --limit=HOSTNAME

Add trusted SSL certificate

The *.crt and *.key files must be inside of the /path/to/directory/. They will be copied and Nginx will start using them immediately.

CIKIT_TAGS="ssl" cikit matrix/provision --limit=HOSTNAME --ssl-src=/path/to/directory/ --restart=nginx


Below is described a manual how to work with a matrix of virtual servers.

Get the list of droplets

cikit matrix/droplet --limit=HOSTNAME --droplet-list

The result of execution will be similar to:

ok: [matrix1] => {
    "output": [
        "632fa30ababe        br0ken/ubuntu-systemd   \"/bin/bash -c 'exe...\"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>22/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp   cikit01"

Create a new droplet

cikit matrix/droplet --limit=HOSTNAME --droplet-add

Initially, you will get created a cikit01, the next will be cikit02, the third one - cikit03 and so on.

Manage a droplet

cikit matrix/droplet --limit=HOSTNAME --droplet-[delete|stop|start|restart]=<NAME>
