Integrate CMS or framework

CIKit is good because doesn’t limit the development using Drupal or Wordpress only. Those systems have built-in support, but you can add an integration with another framework or CMS completing several simple steps.

Define new system

  • Create a directory within the cmf/ with a name that will be used as a value for the --cmf option to the cikit init. Let’s use symfony as an example.
    • Put the main.yml inside of the created directory.
      download_url: ""
      default_version: "3.4.0"
      • The above example is valid for the Symfony integration.
      • The VERSION will be replaced by a value of the --version option to the cikit init or fallen back to the default_version.
      • The file must be a TAR archive and contain a directory inside since will be processed using tar command with the --strip-components=1 option.
  • Create the all directory inside of previously created (cmf/symfony). There will live common configurations for a CMF.
    • Add the APPLICATION_CONFIG.yml inside. It must contain the path to a settings file (i.e. settings: app/config/config.yml) and everything else you want to put into the main config.yml.
    • Add the index.php inside with just an include of the application, <?php require_once 'web/app.php';.
    • Add the tasks/reinstall/modes/full.yml inside and describe the logic for reinstalling your application.
    • Add the tasks/sniffers/main.yml inside and describe the logic for additional code sniffs.
    • Add the vars/environments/default.yml inside and put there all the variables for local/development environment of your application. You may also create as much as needed files for different environments (i.e. demo.yml) and build those using cikit reinstall --env=demo.
    • Add the vars/tests.yml inside.
        standards: ["Symfony2"]
        extensions: ["php"]
      # Available standards:
      # - WCAG2A
      # - WCAG2AA
      # - WCAG2AAA
      # - Section508
          path: /
          standard: Section508
      # If you ending a pattern by asterisk then put trailing slash at the end!
        - "src"
        - "tests"

      You may consider modification of the above if needed. Also, don’t hesitate to add own variables and use them in a logic for custom sniffers.

  • Create a directory with a number of CMF’s major release as a name (let’s use 3) within the cmf/symfony.
    • Add the REPLACEMENTS.yml inside. It must contain the replacements dictionary, having a shell command, assigned to the THEME_PATH_COMMAND key, which returns the path to a directory where npm install could be run.

Commands extraction

If the above description is harder to visualize than taking a look at the code, then check it out below. Executing the next snippet you’ll be ready to initialize a Symfony-based project via cikit init --project=test_project --cmf=symfony.

cd /usr/local/share/cikit

mkdir -p \
  cmf/symfony/all/tasks/reinstall/modes \
  cmf/symfony/all/tasks/sniffers \
  cmf/symfony/all/vars/environments \

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/main.yml
download_url: ""
default_version: "3.4.0"

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/all/APPLICATION_CONFIG.yml
settings: app/config/config.yml

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/all/index.php

require_once 'web/app.php';

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/all/tasks/reinstall/modes/full.yml
# @todo Implement the logic for reinstalling your application.

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/all/tasks/sniffers/main.yml
# A custom set of operations could be here. They will be executed in a scope of "sniffers.yml" playbook.

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/all/vars/environments/default.yml
# A set of variables for the environment. You can use them everywhere within the reinstall.

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/all/vars/tests.yml
  standards: ["Symfony2"]
  extensions: ["php"]

# Available standards:
# - WCAG2A
# - Section508
    path: /
    standard: Section508

# If you ending a pattern by asterisk then put trailing slash at the end!
  - "src"
  - "tests"

cat << EOF > cmf/symfony/3/REPLACEMENTS.yml
  THEME_PATH_COMMAND: "echo 'templates/'"

How the project initializer works?

Let’s try to explain this as declarative as possible.

  • Scan for available CMS/CMF integrations and load their main.yml.
  • Fail if the --cmf= option has a name of a system that is undefined, or download and unarchive its codebase to /path/to/test_project/docroot.
  • Copy cmf/all, cmf/symfony/all and cmf/symfony/3 (an order preserved) to /path/to/test_project/docroot.
  • Recursively set 755 permission for all directories and 644 for all the files.
  • Add the following to the top of the /path/to/test_project/.cikit/config.yml.
    cmf: symfony
    core: 3
    project: test_project
    site_url: https://test-project.loc
  • Replace the APPLICATION_CONFIG: ~ in /path/to/test_project/.cikit/config.yml by the contents of cmf/symfony/all/APPLICATION_CONFIG.yml.
  • Recursively replace all the keys of replacements dictionary from cmf/symfony/3/REPLACEMENTS.yml by assigned values in the every file within /path/to/test_project/scripts (placeholders should be wrapped in <> (like <PLACEHOLDER>) at places where should be replaced, however keys in the replacements dictionary must be without angle brackets).

Wrap up

Despite on missing logic for many of things the creation and usage of a Symfony-based project can be achieved using the above example. Any other content management system or framework could be integrated in the same way.

To ensure the validity of the example, let’s create a project, provision a VM for it and run the reinstall.

cikit init --project=test_project --cmf=symfony
cd test_project
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cikit reinstall

The tricky point is that reinstall actually do nothing and an integrator needs to decide how it should behave by implementing this stuff. Good luck!
